Monday, June 22, 2015

New Times of the Old Girl

Typical afternoon: tired and dirty
from whipping the yard into shape.   
Hi, internet.  I haven't had a much time for you recently.  I've had a lot of change in my life these past months.  I got divorced.  My two dogs died.  I bought a fixer-upper.  I've been working morning, noon, and night at work and on the house.  Things will get better.  Things are already better, but I feel like I've lost a certain essential spark.  I want my spark back.

I have some plans for re-sparkifying.  They're coming.  I'm going to blog about them for the same reason I started blogging in the first place- accountability.

I'm ready to feel like myself again.  I'm ready to talk about it.  I'm going to do that here.  


  1. Welcome back! You sound as though you have had a terrible time but I think you are very brave to blog again - I am not sure I could do that. Looking forward to more lovely posts! Kx

    1. Thanks. It has been a rough few months, but people are resilient and things will get better.


Be nice.
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