I miscounted when I said I had four more animal print dresses. This is the last one. I'm simultaneously relieved and disappointed to be through the menagerie. Tomorrow I will start with my black dresses. There are many of those too.

Dress, Walmart; sweater, Younkers; tights, Target; shoes, Payless Shoes; earrings, handmade by me.

The puffed sleeves of the sweater make me feel a bit like Snow White. I'm still on a purple kick from yesterday, so I added purple flats. You can anticipate seeing quite a bit more purple mixed with my black dresses if my outfit plans for the next few days hold out.
The puffed sleeves of the sweater make me feel a bit like Snow White. I'm still on a purple kick from yesterday, so I added purple flats. You can anticipate seeing quite a bit more purple mixed with my black dresses if my outfit plans for the next few days hold out.
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