Every now and again I fall in love with a garment that, to put it gently, doesn't appeal to Stephen. The best example is my dress of many paisleys, and now this jumpsuit is added to that list.
Jumpsuit, ebay; shrug, thrifted; sandals, Younkers; earrings, thrifted; necklace, ebay; bracelety, handmade by me.

Ah ebay, where you can bid on stuff you neverneeded knew you needed. I've been wanting printed pants, and found this jumpsuit instead. Thanks, everyone else, for not bidding on it.

Even though Stephen wasn't a fan of this print (he said it looks like a horse blanket), I did get many compliments from friends and coworkers. Ultimately Stephen doesn't have to like all my clothes, as long as he loves me.

Jumpsuit, ebay; shrug, thrifted; sandals, Younkers; earrings, thrifted; necklace, ebay; bracelety, handmade by me.
Ah ebay, where you can bid on stuff you never
Even though Stephen wasn't a fan of this print (he said it looks like a horse blanket), I did get many compliments from friends and coworkers. Ultimately Stephen doesn't have to like all my clothes, as long as he loves me.
that jumpsuit is amazing! (I like the paisley dress too!)
ReplyDeleteThis jumpsuit is amazing! I love the paisley dress too!