Being sick really left me blanketed. When I started to feel better I was behind at work, at home, and, of course, online. You can guess which part of my life was least important to get back in order. I'm finally caught up with the other two, so now it's time to get back to the internet.

Sweater, thrifted; dress, thrifted; tights, Target; boots, thrifted; necklace, earrings, and bracelet; handmade by me; rings, Amazon; fitbit, gifted (thanks, Mary Ann!).

This sweater is the perfect pseudo-blanket in which to wrap myself as I got back to reality. It's nice to be wrapped in a blanket while still looking like I care.

Sweater, thrifted; dress, thrifted; tights, Target; boots, thrifted; necklace, earrings, and bracelet; handmade by me; rings, Amazon; fitbit, gifted (thanks, Mary Ann!).
This sweater is the perfect pseudo-blanket in which to wrap myself as I got back to reality. It's nice to be wrapped in a blanket while still looking like I care.
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