Monday, March 5, 2012


I'm really feeling this outfit.  It incorporates the va-va-voom dress I got yesterday with a chunky sweater and belt to balance out the raw sexuality.  Obviously that was a joke.

I don't know how this is possible, but I have never worn this octopus pendant before.  I've had it in my bead box for a couple of years, but I always planned that I would make it into something.  I think it looks just fine.

Didn't put makeup on again today.  I didn't
realize until I saw this photo that I have a bruise
in my jaw from the dental work I had last week.

My manner of dress has changed a lot in the past year or so.  I wore mostly pretty conservative, boring clothes most of the time.  The funny thing is, my aesthetic sense hasn't changed.  I've always admired and desired bold looks, but I never had the self-confidence to wear them.  Finally something clicked, and I realized that it doesn't matter what other people think of my clothes.  It matters how I feel in them.  As I look at the clothes I've been wearing lately, I realize that I would have loved these same looks as a kid.  I'm the woman I've always wanted to be.

Anyone with eyes can see that this is a Visible Monday.  Check out other people with Visible Mondays on Not Dead Yet Style.


  1. You look lovely my dear!
    I love your name!!

  2. Jeanne, I love what you wrote: I am the woman I've always wanted to be. Wonderful words! Thanks so much for sharing your post with Visible Monday.


Be nice.
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