Colors make me happy, and I'd like to feel this good every day. The high, high heels and waves of color left me feeling cheerful and confident.

Sweater dress, thrifted; tights (both pairs), Target; tall shoes, Target; earrings, purchased in Las Vegas; bracelet, purchased in Cozumel; necklace, ebay; shoes of shame; swapped.

When I wear extreme heels I always bring a pair of backup flats. I think of them as the shoes of shame that I switch to if I can't handle my heels all day.

The dimensional effect with the tights was achieved with a pair of opaque purple ones plus the fuchsia lace ones.

Sweater dress, thrifted; tights (both pairs), Target; tall shoes, Target; earrings, purchased in Las Vegas; bracelet, purchased in Cozumel; necklace, ebay; shoes of shame; swapped.
When I wear extreme heels I always bring a pair of backup flats. I think of them as the shoes of shame that I switch to if I can't handle my heels all day.
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