It's fun to play dress up with elements of other styles. This "cowgirl" outfit is a prime example. I have no desire to be an actual cowgirl. We had horses, sheep, goats and other livestock when I was a kid, and the amount of work and worry it takes just doesn't appeal to me. I've lived as a country mouse, but I'd rather be a city mouse. Or a suburb mouse, in my case.

Jacket, thrifted; sweater, thrifted; pants, Younkers; boots, Target; earrings, handmade by me.

I googled what to call someone who wears western-themed clothes without the lifestyle, and found the expression "all hat, no cattle." I think it fits this outfit to a T, except that I'm really no hat and no cattle.

Jacket, thrifted; sweater, thrifted; pants, Younkers; boots, Target; earrings, handmade by me.
I googled what to call someone who wears western-themed clothes without the lifestyle, and found the expression "all hat, no cattle." I think it fits this outfit to a T, except that I'm really no hat and no cattle.
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