This morning as I was packing my lunch I heard a shriek followed by frantic barking coming from the back yard. I ran out to find Gadget fixated on something in the grass. As I came closer, he darted between me and it, as if trying to protect me. Then I saw what it was... a small box turtle. I'm glad Gadget was afraid of it instead of thinking it was a half a ball with legs.
I'm quite certain the turtle is now deaf after Gadget's show of alarm. |
The whole thing added some excitement to my morning, but didn't have any negative impact other than the fact that when it was all said and done I had a shoe box full of turtle pee.
I put her in a shoebox and dropped her off in the woods near my house.
Yeah turtle rescuer!I love how shiney the turtle is. Usually they're kinda of scuffed and dusty when I see them.