Yesterday I tried something new, something exciting, something scary. I tried spinning. I'd been wanting to get together with a friend, but our schedules didn't mesh well during the week. She suggested that we meet at the
Spinning Gallery for a morning class.
When I told Stephen that I was going to a spinning class, he asked whether I needed a spinning wheel to do it. He was thinking of this kind of spinning...
A different kind of spinning.
Image Credit: Wikipedia |
To his credit, his mom does that kind of spinning, so I understand where the communication breakdown happened.
Spinning: It didn't kill me!
I had never tried spinning, and it was pretty brutal. It was simultaneously the quickest and longest 45 minute exercise class ever. By 5 minutes in the end of class I was soaked in sweat and gasping for breath. The music and the instructor's enthusiasm buoyed me through, even if I didn't adjust the resistance as much as he commanded.
Image Credit: Beth's Facebook |
I've been struggling with insomnia, stress, illness and other non-fun things lately, so it has been hard to get the motivation to exercise. I seriously considered backing out at the last minute, but then I saw this post on a friend's facebook page. I want to be where the magic happens, and part of the purpose of this blog is to push me out of my comfort zone. Thank you, Ashley, for helping give me a nudge.
Yesterday Stephen and I had some friends over and got in touch with our pioneer side. I made fresh mozzarella cheese and pita bread, and the guys started a fresh batch of beer. The cheese and bread were both delicious, and we shall see how the beer turns out in about six weeks. I used
this recipe for the cheese.
Cheese: Started |
Cheese: Finished |
Beer on the boil. |
I hope you had a wonderful weekend, tried new things and stepped out of your comfort zone!
Did the cheese squeek? Make me want to try making some. It's neet that you could eat it the same day.