Just as the voyage to Portland benefits from the time zone change, the trip home suffers from it. We left Oregon at 12:45 am, and arrived home at 12:45 pm the next day. On the positive side, we got to enjoy the entire day in Portland before heading to the airport. On the negative side, I was deliriously tired by the time we got home.

Sweater, thrifted; dress (worn as shirt), thrifted; jeans, thrifted; necklace, earrings, and bracelet, handmade by me.

Thanks to Stephen's frequent flying, we got upgraded to first class on the first leg of the trip. I felt like I shouldn't go to sleep lest I miss some exciting first class thing. I had first class wine and first class Sun Chips. Very classy.

We barely escaped our layover in Minneapolis. Many flights after ours were canceled due to heavy snow. That was the first time I've seen snow like that in a couple of years. Seeing it reminded me that I don't miss it a bit.

Even though I love travel, I was glad to be back home. There's no place like home.
Sweater, thrifted; dress (worn as shirt), thrifted; jeans, thrifted; necklace, earrings, and bracelet, handmade by me.
Thanks to Stephen's frequent flying, we got upgraded to first class on the first leg of the trip. I felt like I shouldn't go to sleep lest I miss some exciting first class thing. I had first class wine and first class Sun Chips. Very classy.

We barely escaped our layover in Minneapolis. Many flights after ours were canceled due to heavy snow. That was the first time I've seen snow like that in a couple of years. Seeing it reminded me that I don't miss it a bit.

Even though I love travel, I was glad to be back home. There's no place like home.
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