What's 17 times better than a necklace with a leopard on it? A necklace with 17 leopards on it, of course.

Shirt, swapped; skirt, Younkers; shoes, Younkers; necklace, ebay; earrings, Claire's.

I paired my neck leopards with skirt leopard. If I knew where my leopard cuff bracelet was I would have worn that too. The top is fresh from my recent swap. I like the flowing shape and lovely jewel tone.
Shirt, swapped; skirt, Younkers; shoes, Younkers; necklace, ebay; earrings, Claire's.
I paired my neck leopards with skirt leopard. If I knew where my leopard cuff bracelet was I would have worn that too. The top is fresh from my recent swap. I like the flowing shape and lovely jewel tone.
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