When I first looked at these photos I thought of Snow White. I have the dark hair, fair skin, red lips thing going on. Then I looked what Disney's version of Snow White actually looks like. Never mind. I have a bit too much of the buxom thing going on, and my color scheme is way off. I guess it's lucky that being a Disney princess is not on my personal agenda.

Cardigan, I don't remember today; dress, thrifted; shoes, Payless Shoes; earrings and necklace, purchased in the Dominican Republic.

This dress was in the clearance section of my favorite Augusta consignment store, so it was $2. This light blue color always cries out for red accessories, but I went with complimentary blue larimar earrings and necklace instead of continuing the red to my jewelry.

Cardigan, I don't remember today; dress, thrifted; shoes, Payless Shoes; earrings and necklace, purchased in the Dominican Republic.
This dress was in the clearance section of my favorite Augusta consignment store, so it was $2. This light blue color always cries out for red accessories, but I went with complimentary blue larimar earrings and necklace instead of continuing the red to my jewelry.
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