Friday, February 3, 2012


When I get dressed in the morning, nine times out of 10 I am dressing for myself.  I don't really think about whether I look the way anyone else might want me to look.  I often don't worry about whether I look maximally tall or thin.  

This outfit is a prime example of dressing for myself.  I'm wearing two dresses because my compulsive side is making me I want to.  I'm wearing the booties of the dystopian future because I love them.  I don't care that they interrupt the lines of my legs.  I could have worn grey tights to create a slim line, but I wanted to wear purple tights.  I wear what makes me happy.  I wear what makes me smile throughout the day.  Isn't that the point?

I may have a screw loose.  I might be wise beyond my years.  It's almost certainly the former, but Jenny Joseph's poem Warning (which inspired the Red Hat Society) really rings true with me.  

The last lines are:

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

No one is going to be surprised when I start wearing purple.  Or red hats that don't go and don't suit me.  I'm already blissfully there.

You can see the chain print dress I'm wearing under the purple dress here.

Love the shoes.  Love the puppy even  more.

Purple dress, Merona, Target; chain-print dress, London Times, Marshalls; chain belt, thrifted; booties, Limelight, Rack Room Shoes; earrings, TrinketsByM, Etsy.

My affirmation of the day from Louise Hay's The Present Moment: 365 Daily Affirmations is: This is a great day to create, imagine, produce and visualize.

That sounds like a challenge I'm willing to accept.

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