I finally bought a sewing machine a couple months ago, but I hadn't even threaded it until last weekend. I think I was a little scared to discover how much I don't remember. It has been rocky getting started, but I am continuing to practice my sewing techniques.
I improvised the pattern this crochet hook holder. I found this lovely patterned felt and I wanted to make something pretty and fun with it.
Roll Up Felt Crochet Hook Holder
1 and 1/2 sheets 9"x12" felt
Thread to match the felt
First, fold over the about 1/2 inch along the long edge of the 1/2 sheet of felt. Sew along the bottom edge of the fold to create a finished edge. Line up the half sheet and full sheet of felt with right sides together. Sew approximately 1/8" from the edge along the bottom and two sides, forming an open pocket.
Turn the pocket right side out, and sew lines approximately every 1/2 inch all the way across. Fold over one side so the edge lines up with the pocket edge. Sew up that side. Sew the center of the ribbon along the edge of the remaining side, then fold over and sew up that side.
This is what it looked like when it was finished.
I think you need to come up here and show me how to use a sewing machine...when it gets nice of course! :-)