This skirt goes with the top I wore yesterday. I like the top better than the skirt. They're not pink elephants on parade because that's a metaphor for hallucinations resulting from heavy drinking, and I haven't been doing any of that.

Dress, Walmart; skirt, thrifted; tights, Target; shoes, Younkers; earrings, handmade by me; necklace, purchased in India.
These brass elephant heads spent a few years in my bead collection before I made them into earrings. They were absolutely meant to be paired with this skirt or the matching top. The necklace is from my trip to India. It is a mangalsutra necklace which groom ties around the bride's neck on their wedding day, to show that she is his wife and life mate. From the descriptions I heard in India, it seemed similar to the concept of a wedding ring.

I think I might make it a policy to wear wrap skirts over a dress from now on. I loved the extra wardrobe-malfunction security afforded by the dress. Wrap skirts tend to be a strong breeze away from embarrassment. Usually I wear a slip under wrap skirts, but a dress underneath seems even more secure.
Dress, Walmart; skirt, thrifted; tights, Target; shoes, Younkers; earrings, handmade by me; necklace, purchased in India.
Weird pose. |
I think I might make it a policy to wear wrap skirts over a dress from now on. I loved the extra wardrobe-malfunction security afforded by the dress. Wrap skirts tend to be a strong breeze away from embarrassment. Usually I wear a slip under wrap skirts, but a dress underneath seems even more secure.
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